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Are You Following The 7 Hottest Office Design Trends?

If you're not following the hottest office design trends, your office could be in critical condition of being boring. Customers expect companies to stay on top of all things in the fashion, design, and tech worlds, so when offices don't deliver, they notice. But never fear! In today's article, we're highlighting exactly what the top seven hottest design trends are for a modern office. Check out these cool office design tips to stay ahead of the game!

Gray Leather Office Chairs

Gray Leather Office Chairs

Like white and black, the good thing about gray is that it's an excellent compromise, and it goes with just about everything. One of the biggest reasons grey office chairs are popular is because, as a blend of black and white, these chairs are neither too light or too dark. They're the perfect option for an office with color, or one with lots of contrast already. When combined to create luxury leather office seating, gray leather chairs bring a stunning executive appeal that guests are sure to take note of.

Modular Training Tables

Modular Training Tables

If your office isn't modular, it's time to step up your game. In the past few years, modular office desks and workstations have proven highly efficient in the workplace. By keeping everything with arm's reach, modular furniture has even been known to increase productivity. But of all the great modular furniture out there, perhaps it's convenient modular training tables that deserve the most attention. Although variable in the features they offer, these tables have been known to fold and nest for easy storage. Some options even include ganging accessories for easy reconfiguration. They're the ideal solution for boardrooms, presentation areas, and anyplace to train new recruits.

Open Desking Configurations

Open Desking Configurations

Open desking is a trend that most companies have accepted as a far more efficient way of doing things. Large companies like Google that have already adopted open desking assert that it is the best conduit for creativity, idea sharing, and teamwork among employees. Adding open cubicles and desk configurations to your office space does all these things and more. Not only do open layouts seem more friendly, but they are also easier to reconfigure, power, and they're super space saving!

Smart Design

Smart Design

With the elimination of cords and wires, the need to keep employees in one place all the time has also disappeared. Open desking configurations are open and friendly, but part of their success is due to the fact that they allow movement. Companies that encourage movement also enjoy increased health benefits. They provide employees with a number of small areas where those with a similar work style can congregate. Small, quiet areas for intense focus, large rooms for greater activity, and enclosed enclaves for conversation, presentation, and brainstorming are all parts of the modern open office. Power stations, shared and private desks, and efficient modern lighting are all components of smart design that make this advanced work style possible.

Powered Conference Tables

Powered Conference Tables

Contrary to popular belief, conference rooms are not just areas where corporate bigwigs gather together  to discuss the latest golf game. In today's modern world, they demand much more. Conference areas today are usually places of idea sharing, where presentations require computers, power points, tablets, and other technology in order to easily convey ideas. Most contemporary conference rooms require high tech conference tables with power capabilities to meet these demands. Without them, the average workplace is truly missing out.

Table Desks

Table Desks

Partly because of the rise in popularity of open desking, classy office table desks have made a big comeback in the design world. Office furniture manufacturers have begun developing models that offer all the benefits of a classic table desk (like openness for convenience, and a welcoming feel to guests), but today they come with improved appeal towards contemporary design trends. Models like the stunning VL-742-V633 Verde table desk by Cherryman comes equipped with a dark finish and chrome accents for exquisite industrial style.

Industrial Style

Industrial Style

It may sound like a little thing, but industrial style still remains one of the hottest trends that every workplace should take heed of. In today's environment, furniture with dark wood, chrome, aluminum,  glass, mesh, or leather is already leaps and bounds ahead of the competition. This look conveys strength, professionalism, and a sense of the future that visitors and clients are all subconsciously aware of. It's a look that has expectations and meets demands. If you want a hot office, this versatile look can be whimsical, futuristic, or classy - but it always, always delivers!


1 comments - Skip to comment

sm furnitures said...

Wow…outstanding service and products to meet our office needs. I Love all and the colors you choose are perfect. I want this furniture for my new house. Thanks a lot for sharing
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Talk About Chair Are You Following The 7 Hottest Office Design Trends?