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This week’s show is Eclectic Chair 363 w/Trish Lewis that airs
Monday March 18th, 2013 from 1-3pm on Wucx Q90.1Fm
Delta College Quality Public Radio is pulled out by
Mike Henderson and The Bluebloods draw the First Blood,
Laurie Middlebrook Band Live reminds It’s About Time for Nelly,
The Esoteric Ramblings of The Electric Rag Band,
Rich Mahan continues to Blame Bobby Bare,
Damon Fowler, JP Soars & Victor Wainwright are Southern Hospitality
who show us Easy Livin’,
Roseanne Cash drives that Black Cadillac,
James Kahn brings more tales from a Man Walks Into A Bar,
Charlie Musselwhite dips deep into The Well,
Jason Vivōnē & The Billy Bats Lather, Rinse, Repeat,
Jen Sygit, Laura Ann Bates, Diana Ladio & Jo Serrapere
are the band Stella! who remain Sorry, Stella,
Jay Psaros wants to live Simply,
Doug E. Rees remains a Nature Boy
and R.J. Mischo puts the Eclectic Chair back upside
down on the table with The Frozen Pickle.
Take your seats!
☮Be Sure To Tune In Q90.1FM Every Monday 1-3PM ☮
No more broadcast last week repeats, apologies to the night hawks & insomniacs.
Tune into Bob Hausler’s Songwriters In The Round Podbean Site to listen to a show or two
Eclectic Chair 363 with Host Trish Lewis from Wucx-Fm
Introduction Mike Henderson and The Bluebloods “Mister Downchild” Thicker Than Water 1998 Dead Reckoning Records
http://www.deadreckoningrecords.com/or http://www.mikehenderson.com/or https://www.facebook.com/#!/mike.henderson.587?sid=0.937435717380636
1. Mike Henderson and The Bluebloods “When I Get Drunk” First Blood 1996 Dead Reckoning Records http://www.deadreckoningrecords.com/
or http://www.mikehenderson.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/#!/mike.henderson.587?sid=0.937435717380636
2. Mike Henderson and The Bluebloods “Pony Blues” First Blood 1996 Dead Reckoning Records
3. Laurie Middlebrook Band “It’s About Time” Live At The Delta College Lecture Theater November 2011 http://www.myspace.com/lauriemiddlebrook or http://www.facebook.com/laurie.middlebrook
4. Laurie Middlebrook Band “Nelly” Live At The Delta College Lecture Theater November 2011
5. Electric Rag Band “Creep Up Fast” The Esoteric Ramblings of The Electric Rag Band 2013 ERB Records
6. Electric Rag Band “Slack” The Esoteric Ramblings of The Electric Rag Band 2013 ERB Records
7. Rich Mahan “Math” Blame Bobby Bare2012 Snortin’ Horse Records
8. Rich Mahan “Overserved In Alabama” Blame Bobby Bare 2012 Snortin’ Horse Records
9. Southern Hospitality “Fried Neck Bones And Home Fries” Easy Livin’ 2013 Blind Pig Records
http://www.blindpigrecords.com/ or http://www.southernhospitalityband.com/ or http://youtu.be/HEUKQkLeKlU or https://www.facebook.com/SouthernHospitalityMusic or https://twitter.com/sohoband2012
11. Roseanne Cash “Black Cadillac” Black Cadillac 2006 Capitol Records http://www.capitolrecords.com/ or
12. Roseanne Cash “Radio Operator” Black Cadillac 2006 Capitol Records http://www.capitolrecords.com/ or
13. James Kahn “The Bartender (Ode To Dinah)” Man Walks Into A Bar 2012 James Kahn Words and Music
14. Charlie Musselwhite “Sonny Payne Special” The Well 2010 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/or
16. Jason Vivōnē & The Billy Bats “The Black Lone Ranger” Lather, Rinse, Repeat 2012 Self http://www.billybats.com/ or
17. Jason Vivōnē & The Billy Bats “One Hot Mother” Lather, Rinse, Repeat 2012 Self http://www.billybats.com/ or
18. James Kahn “Great Trains of Hell” Man Walks Into A Bar 2012 James Kahn Words and Music
http://jameskahnwordsandmusic.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/jameskahnwordsandmusic?success=1 or https://twitter.com/ThatJamesKahn
Damon Fowler, JP Soars & Victor Wainwright are Southern Hospitality
19. Southern Hospitality “Long Way Home” Easy Livin’ 2013 Blind Pig Records http://www.blindpigrecords.com/ or
20. Southern Hospitality “Kind Lies & Whiskey” Easy Livin’ 2013 Blind Pig Records
21. Stella! “Pay For What You Get” Sorry, Stella! 2013 Earthwork / Detroit Radio Company
http://thestellagirls.com/index.php or http://www.earthworkmusic.com/ or http://detroitradiocompany.com/
or http://thestellagirls.com/biography.php or http://www.myspace.com/stellagirls22. Stella! “Down In The Cellar” Sorry, Stella! 2013 Earthwork / Detroit Radio Company
http://thestellagirls.com/index.php or http://www.earthworkmusic.com/ or http://detroitradiocompany.com/ or http://thestellagirls.com/biography.php or http://www.myspace.com/stellagirls
25. Doug E. Rees “For Me” Nature Boy 2013 Smokin’ Sleddog Records http://www.smokinsleddogrecords.com/ or
26. Doug E. Rees “Here I Am” Nature Boy 2013 Smokin’ Sleddog Records http://www.smokinsleddogrecords.com/ or
27. Rich Mahan “Rehab’s For Quitters” Blame Bobby Bare 2012 Snortin’ Horse Records
http://snortinhorserecords.com/ or http://www.richmahan.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/RichMahanandTheCocktailHeroes or
28. R.J. Mischo “The Frozen Pickle” Make It Good2012 Delta Groove Music http://www.rjblues.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/rjblues or http://www.facebook.com/pages/RJ-Mischo/254021781004
The Eclectic Chair is broadcast from the studios of Wucx-Fm Delta College Quality Public Radio.
“…next time you’re down in the dumps, my advice is to just dig it and you’ll feel better.
Digging the blues can be like digging the pain.” – Liner note advice from the song “Dig The Pain”
by Charlie Musselwhite.☮
Tune into Bob Hausler’s Songwriters In The Round
Podbean Site to listen to a show or two
and subscribe free here: http://bobh432000.podbean.com/
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